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Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's been a long time since I have sat down to pen what I feel but both you and I know that it's a busy world out there. :P Moreover, you're sometimes stuck in a situation where you want to express something but the subtlety that is vastly required just doesn’t come through! Here I am with not-so-subtle words in mind attempting for a subtle post, again. 

Communication How many times do we come across this term! The whole world revolves around effective communication, and to be able to communicate well is one of the key factors to one’s success. But do we really know the meaning of communication? One of the most naïve ways of defining communication is to say – “Improving one’s vocabulary in a language to be able to use many words”.  Is it true? If not, how else can it be defined? Should we actually make time, sit down and really evaluate how we communicate?  Is it seriously necessary? 

We all would have had moments in life when what we say is misinterpreted. Misunderstanding has become a part and parcel of our daily lives. We might get away with it when the situation isn’t very serious but isn’t it better to make sure we avoid the worst? We mean something; the other person understands it entirely differently; the whole conversation goes for a toss; both parties are at loss. 

So as far as I am concerned, Communication is definitely not the way you speak but the way the other person understands you. It is of course impossible to get into the mind of the listener to understand how he/she is interpreting what we are saying but it is definitely in our hands to say what we have to say, properly. A very lame and a vague sentence the previous one is, I know, but often we are just this much away from fine tuning it. 
When our words are misinterpreted, it generally won’t be the listener’s fault (unless, of course, the person is a very bad listener). It just shows the extent to which we have failed to put forth our views correctly, our inability to communicate what we feel as what we feel. It is me and only ME who can be blamed if I am misinterpreted! 
Communicating effectively is like answering a VTU paper. :P You have loads to say but you are forced to summarize it in a few words that appear ‘effective’. Similarly, you can’t give long explanations and say that you are trying to communicate correctly. Today’s world doesn’t have that much time at disposal. KISS is the formula  –  Keep It Short n Sweet. 
Past ten days have been a lesson in life for me in communication which made me sit down and write this. All of us evolve with time and are always in constant pursuit to become better individuals. These ten days have made me a better listener, a better communicator, a better thinker as a whole. I have a couple of people whom I need to be grateful for, for teaching me this lesson. Even though I was on the wrong side, they have been sweet and kind enough to correct me when needed in the best way possible. As for who they are, they know it! :)
Finally, now you might feel that all that you’ve read till now was known to you. But it’s sometimes nice to know what we already know although what seems easy to read might not be that easy to implement. 
Until next time, CHEERS! :)